History & Purposes

Russian RightProtection Association "Fathers and Children" was created in 1990. This is an All-Russian independent charitable public organization. It unites fathers who being up their children alone and fathers who try to get this right when divorcing their former wives.

Our association is to provide the fathers, children, grandparents and families the minute information about critical fathers' related issues. These issues include: divorce, child custody, child support, parenting, father's rights, granparents' rights, parental alienation, fighting false and malicious child abuse accusations, false family violence accusations, step-parent issues, etc. Also we're exerting all one's powers to improve unfair family law.

The fact is that the Russian courts accept that children are given only to woman after the dissolution of marriage. After that the many fathers cannot come to their child because their former wives don't allow this contacts. But it contradicts Article 7, and item 3 of Article 26 of UNO General Declaration of Human Rights. Besides that this fact contradicts item 1, 3 of Article 3, Article 28 of the Declaration of Human Rights and Liberties adopted be the Supreme Soviet of Russian Federation on November 22, 1991, Articles 6.2, 15, 18, 19, 38.2, of the Constitution of Russian Federation, Article 5 of Protocol 7 of the European Convention of Human Rights and Liberties, Articles 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 16, 18, 19, 29 of the UNO Convention of the rights of the child. The Russian family law doesn't protect these father's and children's rights.

Owing to the above-mentioned facts the Association had to put in an application to the Constitution Court of Russia that the Constitution of Russia, Marriage and Family Code of the Russian Federation to the legal practice existing in Russia which treats questions of giving a child to one of the parents for bringing up or of determining a child's residence. It's not ratified yet.

In January 1993 the report of Russia about measures adopted to maintain the rights of the child written in the Convention presented to the Committee on the Rights of the Child. This report is being prepared the council service of the President of Russia on the problems of the family headed by E. Lakhova. This report is prepared on the basis of reports of the Ministries of Education, Health Protection, Law, Procurature and doesn't conform to the real facts. The information given in it doesn't reflect real facts in the field of right protection of children of Russia but hides the real state of affairs from the world community. When I tried to join the group preparing the report to help in reflecting the objective reality in this field of human rights, I was refused.

On June 1, 1992 (International Children's Day) the first European Conference of Associations similar to ours took place in Prague. As a result an appeal on Article 15.03 of the International Pact on Civil and Political Human Rights signet by representatives of European countries was adopted and sent to the UNO Center on Human Rights.

The UNO declared 1994 the year of family. The Russian Legal Protection Association "Fathers and Children" believes this fact to become the determinant in the struggle of fathers of their children. We are to say loudly and resolutely about necessarily of observance by governments of all countries of the UNO Convention on rights of children, other international laws protecting the rights of children and their parents. Thus it is important to carry out a global international conference "Fathers for their children's rights" on a high level of representation with the elucidation by world press and television.

The additional information is in the Russian text.
